In each case, a portion of the fee paid by the person renting the car goes to the vehicle owner, with the remainder passing to the manufacturer, partly to cover insurance. 每次租车时,租车者所付费用将有一定比例交给车主,其余部分则到了制造商手中&这么做部分是为了支付保险费。
Reduced by basic filing fee paid. 由已交付的基本申请费减少。
The fee paid to a mint by a government. fineness of coin 铸币费政府支付给铸币厂的钱
Any subscription fee paid shall be non-refundable in all circumstances. 已缴付之服务费概不发还,亦不能垫支其它费用。
If your parcel is lost or damaged, compensation may be paid up according to the fee paid. 你的包裹如遗失或受损,可能会根据所付的费用来支付赔偿。
A fee paid to the government for the privilege of being licensed to do something ( as selling liquor or practicing medicine). 需要得到特许才可行事而付给政府的费用(如经营酒业或药品)。
A fee paid for legal service. 接受法律服务的费用。
Except for stamp duty, tax or business registration fee paid before mid-night on the payment due date will be taken as made on the same day. 于到期日午夜前缴交的税款及商业登记费,会被视作当天的交易。这不适用于印花税。
Before I took him to the villagers, I bought him a pair of shoes. It's because there's quite a difference in the fee paid to a shoeless swordsman and one with shoes. 在我带他去见那群村民之前,我替他买了一双鞋,因为穿鞋的和不穿鞋的刀客,价钱相差很远。
For the losses of Party A caused by the failure of Party B, the compensations claimed by Party A shall not exceed the assessment fee paid by Party A. 在认证过程中甲方因乙方责任的任何损失,其索赔的赔偿费将不得超过甲方的认证审核费;
A fee paid for instruction ( especially for higher education). 接受教育所付的费用(特别是高等教育)。
Note: the board can only process an application for renewal made in a specified form with the prescribed fee paid. 注:注册局只能处理以指明表格提出及已缴付有关费用的续期申请。
Fee paid to a person who finds a client for another. 付给为另一个找到客户人的劳务费。
And users to buy their own materials to the construction workers, the fee paid to the decoration companies manner called "package-workers". 而用户自己去买材料,由工人来施工,工费付给装饰公司的方式称为“包清工”。
In this instance, Party B is entitled to cancel the contract and the counseling fee paid shall not be refunded. 乙方可根据事实情由解除合同,已收取的法律顾问费用不予退回。
A fee paid for a nominally free service. 付给声称免费服务的谢金。
In the event of the cancellation of the fair by the fair management, the participation fee paid will be refunded. 若此次展会由展会管理部门取消,参展费用予以返还。
A US District Court judge has ruled that the fee paid by Warner Bros studio bosses to DC Comics to use the character in films and TV shows such as Smallville was at fair market value. 一位联邦地区法院的法官裁定,华纳兄弟电影公司就电影和电视节目中使用超人形象,比如《超人前传》,而向DC漫画公司支付的费用为公平市值。
Admission fee paid by members when joining the commercial trade council, which is stipulated in the articles. 一入会费:会员入会时一次缴纳,其数额于章程中定之。
If I could not make it, is the fee paid refundable? 如果我不能去的话,能不能退费?
Training fee and recruitment fee paid by Party A for Party B; 甲方为其支付的培训费和招收录用费;
A fee paid by an investor at the time of redemption or withdrawal. 共同基金投资者在购买基金时支付之销售费用。
The reason is that the cost for custom not only includes the fee paid to new company, but also includes Switching-cost if the custom gives up the service from the former telecommunication company. 因为对消费者而言,如放弃原有服务商转而接受其它电信公司的服务,所付出的全部代价为服务费与转移成本之和。
The result shows the fee paid by patient is higher than the standard charge, and the drugs fee and operation materials fee occupy 42%-84% of the total overspend. 结果:样本实际费用比标准费用高,其中药品费和手术材料费在超支费用构成中占到总超支费用的42% ̄84%。
The Tuition fee paid by students should be determined in light of the principle of opportunity fairness in receiving higher education and their family income. 基于高等教育机会的公平和收益,受教育者应缴纳学费。
Tuition fee paid by individual and higher educational cost 个人所缴学费与高等教育成本
Losing Party Should Bear the Lawyer's Fee Paid by Prevailing Party 论胜诉方的律师费用应由败诉方承担
The extra fee paid by clients for county hospital service is higher than the ene for township ( town) hospital service. 两县特困高危孕产妇在县级卫生机构住院分娩需自付的费用远高于在乡(镇)卫生院住院分娩的费用。
To register the prior copyright opus as trademark should be agreed by the obligee with certain fee paid. 将在先著作权作品注册为商标须经权利人同意,并支付一定的费用。
Compatible cost is the patent fee paid by new entrants to the incumbent firms when the incumbent firms open its technical standards to new entrants. 兼容成本是在位企业开放技术标准允许进入企业兼容时,进入企业向在位企业支付的专利许可费。